As you can see from the excellent video above, Hele Bay Precision Engineering in Barnstable are extremely loyal Dugard customers.
In the precision manufacturing industry since 1994, and with a large team of highly skilled engineers, technicians and machinists Hele Bay are experts at providing a fast turnaround service on components and assembly parts – and all those parts are machined on their huge selection of Dugard machine tools!
Hele Bay decided to standardise the machines in their workshop and chose Dugard as their preferred supplier – with 29 Dugard machines installed, their most popular being the high speed Dugard 200HT CNC lathe. As MD Nick Tamlin points out “Having one machine supplier helps reduce training time and gives more flexibility throughout the workforce which helps meet our short delivery schedules. It also aids us to achieve our in house preventative maintenance plan giving us a maximum up time for productivity.”
Hele Bay operate an extremely flexible unit – able to offer a rapid response CNC machining service for companies who need top quality precision components, turned parts and complex shaped parts. Another benefit with Hele Bay is that they can accommodate small, medium and large batch sizes, and deliver them throughout the UK. With the support from their extensive range of Dugard machines business is set to grow and grow.
If you need any information on any Dugard machine please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or call 01273 732286. We always post machine demonstration videos on our YouTube channel so why not subscribe to make sure you’re notified when we upload a new one? We also post updates on our Twitter feed (@dugardcom) and LinkedIn company page (C Dugard Ltd), make sure you follow us so you don’t miss any Dugard related info.