Obviously we were confident that it would be a good show, in the past it’s always proved enormously beneficial for us. However, even we are surprised at the volume of visitors and actual business being done on the stand – usually for our customers it’s more of a fact finding mission but our orders this year so far are extremely healthy.
We do have a number of brand new machines on the stand this year and they’ve attracted a lot of attention. The Dugard 42 TTS is our newest, a 42mm CNC production lathe, it completes the set joining the 52mm machines (Dugard 52 TTSY and 52TTS) launched last year and our massively popular Dugard 32 Sub Spindle machine (the first machine we sold this week!). We’re also launching our HD range of heavy duty VMCs which has an interesting reverse axes table so the footprint is much smaller. Finally we’re premiering two new 5 axis machines, the Dugard HSM600 and the Dugard RM250RT which have both drawn quite a crowd.